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Spider Veins

Utilizing the powerful V-laser for the treatment of spider veins

Spider Vein Solutions

Most commonly found on the legs, spider veins can be a deep red, blue, purple or black, and can really impact the confidence of those suffering with these vascular issues. While we do educate our clients on the recurring nature of these types of vessels, your practitioner can put together a treatment plan, and tailor a customised package to suit your needs, to ensure that ongoing maintenance treatments are within affordable limits.

Using the Cryomed V-Laser, spider veins and pesky ‘broken capillaries’ or ‘red veins’ that appear on the face and body are no match for this laser! During consultation, our practitioners will walk you through the necessary preparation, as well as the treatment process, and all after-care required to ensure optimal results with little to no downtime. As with many other laser procedures, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results, and our staff are able to tailor a unique treatment package just for you, to maximise cost effectiveness and also include the necessary at-home skin preparation that may be required to ensure safety and avoid adverse reactions.


Leg Vessel Treatment - Single Session

From $220

Leg Vessel Treatment - Pack of 3




Additional Information

As with many other laser procedures, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Our staff will tailor a unique treatment package suitable to your requirements.

Common Questions

How does the treatment work?

One of our highly trained and qualified technicians uses our gold-standard Crymed V-lasers to treat the target area. When the laser light passes down through the skin, it targets the blood vessels and coagulates them, making them irreparable. With the vessel being beyond repair, the body breaks them down and disperses them throughout the lymphatic system. This can take up to two weeks for this process to happen.

What can I do for best results?

The best results are obtained with two weeks of careful skin preparation of sun protection and hydration, and with the cessation of retinol application three days prior to treatment. After you treatment, continue to avoid sun exposure and exercise for at least 24 hours.

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