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Teeth Grinding/Jaw clenching & TMJ Pain


Whether you're a bride-to-be preparing for your big day or someone who has been dealing with stubborn pigmentation, or struggling with redness or rosacea, our tailor-made skin packages are designed to deliver results, boost your confidence and help you achieve a more radiant complexion! We understand that every client's skin is unique, and that's why we offer personalised packages tailored to your specific needs and cater to your individual skin concerns.

Our experienced Dermal Clinicians will work with you to create a customised treatment plan that addresses your individual concerns and targets your problem areas in a time frame that works for you and your budget. Whether you're looking for a quick refresh or a complete skin transformation, we have carefully curated our packages to ensure that you're getting the best value for your investment, to help you achieve your skin goals and maintain your results for as long as possible!

Here at ECC, we understand that achieving healthy, radiant skin is about more than just skin treatments - it's about building a consistent, effective skincare routine you can use at home that keeps your complexion looking and feeling its best. That's why we've included bespoke medical grade skincare in all of our packages, specially formulated for your skin to deliver optimal results to complement and enhance the effects of your treatments.


Additional Information

Please note that there are medical contraindications for this procedure and not suitable for every client. A full consultation including a medical consultation with one of our doctors will take place prior to commencing any treatment of this nature, to determine suitability.

Common Questions

What is involved in the procedure?

Botulinum toxin is injected directly into the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw). The muscle is weakened enough to stop involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. This significantly relaxes the muscle and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to grinding. Voluntary movements, such as chewing and facial expressions, are not effected at all. The procedure takes approximately 5 minutes and there is no down time following treatment.

How often is treatment required?

Depending on the individual, effects may last up to twelve months, however we like to review treatments at three and six months to ensure the muscles aren’t redeveloping. Treatment is combined with lifestyle modifications in an effort eventually wean patients off injections all-together.

Eltham Cosmetic Clinic
Skin Therapy Solutions
Eltham Anti-wrinkle Treatment
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Our highly experienced clinicians provide a thorough facial assessment, as well as consider your specific concerns and desires.

Eltham Laser Treatment
Laser Skin Solutions

The laser genesis is our go-to laser facial treatment for brightening, tightening and boosting your overall ‘glow’ factor.

Eltham Filler Treatment
Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are sterile injectable gels specifically designed to replace volume that is lost over time, in a subtle and natural way.